Kervin Saint Pere

The White

Lecture Performance
AIL, Kassenhalle Postsparkasse, 2023

Under the inventory number: 2260 and the storage location: K5570, they are registered as: «OBJECT», in the collection group: «Natural materials» under the so-called title: «1 pair of raw rubber shoes». This type of archiving in the Technisches Museum Wien is the surviving testimony to colonialism and the various faces of extractivism. One of these faces is the rubber known at the time as «white gold», the extraction of which is responsible for genocide and yet represents only part of the colonial and post-colonial violence perpetrated in the Amazon region.

In addition to physical violence and its culmination in genocide, other violent strategies were also carried out, representing epistemic extractivism and epistemicide.

The lecture performance establishes a dialogue between selected images, their archives and their «afterlife» as well as their extractivist mechanisms. It explores the question of which types of representations historically served the exploitation of the Other and were used for the extractivism ofrubber. The lecture performance was shown forthe first time in the public programme of Angewandte Festival, exhibition: «stretching across time and space- On the coloniality of objects and projects»

Fotografien: Laura Ettel
